Network Gateway
The 460PSMRS moves data between a Modbus RTU Client device and a Profinet IO Controller. With the 460PSMRS you are making a direct connection between Modbus RTU Client Register and Coil data and user defined Slots in your Profinet IO Controller. The 460PSMRS provides an option to access your Modbus RTU Client device without having to upgrade your PLC or get an expensive in rack solution.
Modbus RTU
Connects a Modbus RTU Client to a Profinet IO Controller; Move up to 100 Groups of 500 Contiguous Coils or 500 Contiguous Registers to or from your Client device; Map data from up to 10 Profinet IO Slots in each direction; Supports 1280 Bytes of data in each direction on Profinet IO; Map Modbus Data directly to Profinet Slots; Effortless Browser Based Configuration, no programming software is required; Simple data translation allows you to manipulate data as it passes between protocols
Size: 4.2" x 3.25" x 1"; Weight: 5oz.; Anodized Aluminum Enclosure; Din Rail or Panel Mounting; LEDs Ethernet Link/Data LED, Ethernet Speed LED, Power LED, & 2 general purpose LEDS on side.
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